RINGS&STRINGS (mit Meredith Nicoll, Mezzosopran)

Der Radwechsel
Ich sitze am Straßenhang.
Der Fahrer wechselt das Rad.
Ich bin nicht gern, wo ich herkomme. Ich bin nicht gern, wo ich hinfahre. Warum sehe ich den Radwechsel mit Ungeduld?
–Bertolt Brecht

Make it stop! If only we ould live [there], have [this], find [that], then I will be happy; then I could stop worrying. If only we could get back to the good old days, when things made sense, when we were safe.
The path is the only true destination. Never stop learning! Show me thoroughly satisfied man — and I will show you a failure. Seize the moment! You can sleep when you’re dead!
Innovation = Salvation.

Reaching from all corners of genre, from Schumann’s setting of Heine’s “Aus
alten Märchen” to Friedrich Hollaender’s “Wenn ick mal Tot bin”, to Joni Mitchel’s “Big yellow Taxi”, RINGS&STRINGS paints us a picture of a fairytale world and grapples with the realization that it can only exist in our dreams, ever escaping us beyond the horizon of our consciousness.

Concert Info:
Voice + Instruments: Classical Guitar, 10-String Guitar, Archlute, Baroque Guitar | Repertoire: “Aus alten Märchen” R.Schumann; ”Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern”, “Wenn ick mal tot bin” F.Holländer;“Lo que vendrá” A.Piazzolla; “Die drei Schwestern” A.Zemlinsky; “Working Class Hero”, “Watching the Wheels” J.Lennon; “A Nun
takes the Veil”, “A Desire for Hermitage” S.Barber; ”Is That All There Is?” P.Lee; “Big Yellow Taxi” J. Mitchell;“End All, Be All” R. Schumann/M.Nicoll/J.J.Nissen; Danza Progresiva M.D.Vera;“In Darkness let me Dwell” J.Dowland; “Feldeinsamkeit” J.Brahms; “Cantus Latvius” T.Hübner; “Frühlingsglaube” F.Schubert (Arrangements: Reichelt/
Nissen/Olaf von Gonnissen)

Meredith Nicoll: meredithnicoll.com
Guitar Duo Reichelt & Nissen: reicheltnissen.de